Thursday, March 13


The genius behind the name.

The name for this blog came simply from a quote someone once told me, someone I met quite recently who has been nothing but an inspiration to me since the day we met. It’s not very often that you meet people like this in your life, and when you are granted with the opportunity, you don’t surpass it. He is genuinely one of nicest, strongest most intelligent people I know.

Anyway, among many of our conversations, we began talking about the arts (as we are both budding actors). The discussion consisted of the fact that money is nothing. Crazy I know - but true. Money is nothing. It is something man made, that causes more damage that good in our society, yet we have created a situation in which we now, unfortunately, can not live without it. Not for at least 1000 years or so.

Creativity, however, is something we were born with, Every single one of us. No matter what form it’s expressed in; we live for art. This, unlike money, is something we could not live without. And what he stated that has stuck with me all this time is this: “We are the most creative animals on the planet. Lions can’t draw. Embrace the arts. And conquer it.”

Art is a beautiful thing, that everyone would do well to remember. Yes, even you stock brokers. Pop down to the theatre once in a while, paint a picture, sing at the top of your lungs. Embrace your creativity. 


"Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.”  
-George Bernard Shaw

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